We All Fall Down II

Below are two of my favorite images taken while I was out at the Seattle Center. The one on the left is of the space needle. Having already taken countless pictures of the monument, I wanted to use a more unique approach. Though the trees branches might seem like an obstacle to most. I saw it as a way to make the image stand out. The one on the right is the monorail set against the MPOP museums twisted architectural facade. Despite falling down and thoroughly embarrassing myself. I had a great time.

Obligatory Space Needle Images

Since relocating to Seattle, WA. My wife and me have lived in two temporary corporate apartments on opposite sides of the Seattle Center. As we prepare to make yet another, final move to a chosen apartment in Columbia City. The thought of escaping that towering monument to tourism. I give you a couple of images I’ve taken from different vantage points. Enjoy.


Images from Seattle Center’s Hawaiian Cultural Festival

This morning we took a short walk over to the Seattle Center to attend the Hawaiian Cultural Festival. There was music, entertainment and more food than you could shake a skewer at. Below are some of the images I captured during the hour, or so,s pent there.

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Up on the Roof (Again)

Space (1 of 1)After returning from dinner and dropping of a few things at the new apartment in Columbia City. I headed up to the roof deck to get some night air and take a few pictures. While we were out that night, i mentioned to my wife that once we get settled in the new place and unpack, I’d like to get back to capturing more nightlife= and night scapes. Something I had done regularly while living on the East Coast. Being that most of my photo gear,  including my tripod, has somewhat limited my options. Being that I’m just days away from being reunited with my studio lights, stands, backgrounds and tripods. My mind seems to be filled with creative juices. I can’t go without noting the sense of envy I felt as I was packing up as two photographers armed with tripods emerged from the darkness. I couldn’t help but wish I had mine.

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Finding Inspiration

With my life as a studio photographer in a holding pattern and my days of shooting bands at basement shows coming to a screeching halt. I’ve had to get a little more imaginative when it comes to what I photograph. Knowing full well that a new city or town takes getting used to. I’ve done my best to do just that. Since moving to Seattle, I’ve occupied two apartments that bookmark the Seattle Center. Being somewhat of an anti-tourist. I tend to steer clear of the traps every city seem to offer. That said, I’ve always made it point to document my surroundings the best I can. With that in mind, I decided to brave the mid day sun and heat known so well to Seattle and headed over to spend some time in the green, green grass. As you can probably tell, I did my best to avoid including the famous Space Needle. To be honest, you can see it from anywhere and I’m kind of sick of it. This was shot on manual and set to monochrome. I was hoping to give it a 1960’s Worlds Fair kind of vibe.

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Good Morning, Seattle!

Being that I still haven’t adjusted to Seattle’s time zone. Waking up at 5:00 am each day leaves a couple of hours to get out for some fresh morning air. So, on this first Monday morning of my time here. I did just that. Of all the things that welcomed us to the area. It was this micro record / skate shop Here. The tiny shack whose size make me think it once served as a Fotomat or a hot dog stand. So small, I’ve yet to muster the courage to drop in for a look. Finding out that my temporary digs offer more than just a corporate enclave of cold buildings and kiosks has been reassuring to me. As the days pass. I’m hoping my curiosity will take me further. As I hope to get more acquainted with the city’s transit system.

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Hello, Seattle!

Needle (1 of 1).jpgWhile we arrived at our temporary home in Seattle on Friday. It wasn’t until a few hours ago that I took my camera out for a walk. With the intention of getting out for a short walk and some coffee  after driving around for most of the weekend. I was somewhat surprised to find out my immediate area has a lot to offer. Funny how, after three days of seeing the space needle from afar. By going for a walk. I learned that the real thing is located just a few short blocks away. The hour or so spent rewarded us with some over priced coffee, some “NY Style” pizza and an African festival happening right outside our door. I snapped a few pictures while attempting not to look like a tourist. The one I’m sharing is probably my favorite. Hears to moving from one coast to the other.