Window Seat

“Location, location, location” and “Just look at that view.” are perhaps two of the most repeated terms in real estate history. As someone who often chose location over the view. I’ve had the somewhat common experience to have faced alleyways, brick walls and even have an eye shot of a great big Burger King sign. However, moving to our current home we’ve often turned our attention from the television to either go out on the balcony, up to the roof deck or just saddle up to the windows. It’s true that time often allows us to take even the most beautiful things for granted. However, I can’t recall a day when I didn’t race to the window or balcony to watch the sun go down. The reason for composing this shot was the positioning of the boats and the dramatic manner in which the sun was protruding through the clouds.

Obligatory Space Needle Images

Since relocating to Seattle, WA. My wife and me have lived in two temporary corporate apartments on opposite sides of the Seattle Center. As we prepare to make yet another, final move to a chosen apartment in Columbia City. The thought of escaping that towering monument to tourism. I give you a couple of images I’ve taken from different vantage points. Enjoy.