My Awful Beginnings (Yoga)

As I continue to inspect and ultimately delete age old images from my laptop. I struggle to let go of hundreds, if not thousands of files that no longer serve me and are not doing me any good saving. After coming across this folder of a subject who was deeply into yoga and other means of consciousness I myself, was yet to embrace. I came across this particular session and edited to my liking. Below is a three image slide show that might help me as I look to become a certified yoga instructor .


Routines and Rituals

With a move just a day away and an exhausting week of packing almost done, I hope to move forward with my energy and purpose. Our new home offers many windows of opportunity to put forth. Or, at the very least, supplement the ideas and plans I’ve been looking to add, subtract, or continue as we’ve made it a habit to visit the condo since our closing day regularly, sometimes to bring essentials, others to measure or plan. It never goes without notice how an empty room allows for boundless thoughts, ideas, and creativity. Below is a shortlist of actions and undertakings I plan on implementing or continuing.

Tai-chi – What a great way to start the day? In with the good and our with the bad.

Minimalism – This has been an obsession of mine for some time. Packing for the move has been a revelation—a back-breaking reminder of everything I had to have.

Meditation – Since I was in grammar school, I’ve relied on meditation for long periods, often interrupted by being too busy with complete nonsense. Considering how beneficial the results have always been, I often find myself scratching my head as to why I ever stop. Whether it be stress, anxiety, overthinking, breathing, or just clearing the mind, five minutes to a half-hour of meditation does more than any pill or time with a therapist has ever done for me.

Images from Seattle’s Thai Festival

As we approached today’s Thai festival, my wife started testing me on my geographic knowledge of Thailand. Having experienced years of ball busting, nipple twisting and chain pulling from my wife. I’ve come to not let her thrice daily jabs get  to me. Thai (1 of 1)During our short ride, she tried to imply that I was unaware that though both are located in Southeast Asia,  Thailand and Taiwan were two distinctly different places. With Thailand being a kingdom bordered by Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Burma. Taiwan, on the other hand is an island located south of China. Despite the fact that we eat mass quantities of Thai food and that I grew up with a number of friends whose families had immigrated from Taiwan. She continued to push the envelope. Despite any nudging on her part or geographic miscues on mine. We made it to the festival and had a great time enjoying the food and festivities. In conclusion, I’d really like to start working photographing and covering events for the press here. It’s something I enjoyed doing back east and something that always seems to teach me more about other cultures, expression and rituals. The money I’d earn would most likely go towards all the great food these festivals offer.

Thai i (1 of 1)Thai iI (1 of 1)

Day 2; Kamakura and More

With Kayuri’s Mom gone golfing and her Dad sailing. We had the house to ourselves for the first time since we had arrived. So for the second day we were out early. This time  heading to the shrines, shopping and street food that make Kamakura such a popular area to visit. A lot of walking and climbing the many, many flights of stairs within the shrines. The monuments, shrines and temples along with the sound of chanting and the scent insense of have a way of both lifting your spirits and energy level. The shrines and buddhist temples have always been a favorite part of my trips to the area. We were so inspired by today’s trip that we signed up for a zen event that is taking place this coming Sunday. From there we headed down towards the main shopping area of the city where we stopped for snacks and window shopping while navigating the tight sidewalks as the cars wizzed by.

After the day ended and we began to climb the hill that led to Kayuri’s parents home. All I could think about was a couple of hours sleep before we went out for dinner…. And then came our nephew  Youdie and Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! More on that later.

Shrine (1 of 1)Wind (1 of 1)SNACK (1 of 1)Wheels (1 of 1).jpg