Finding Inspiration

With my life as a studio photographer in a holding pattern and my days of shooting bands at basement shows coming to a screeching halt. I’ve had to get a little more imaginative when it comes to what I photograph. Knowing full well that a new city or town takes getting used to. I’ve done my best to do just that. Since moving to Seattle, I’ve occupied two apartments that bookmark the Seattle Center. Being somewhat of an anti-tourist. I tend to steer clear of the traps every city seem to offer. That said, I’ve always made it point to document my surroundings the best I can. With that in mind, I decided to brave the mid day sun and heat known so well to Seattle and headed over to spend some time in the green, green grass. As you can probably tell, I did my best to avoid including the famous Space Needle. To be honest, you can see it from anywhere and I’m kind of sick of it. This was shot on manual and set to monochrome. I was hoping to give it a 1960’s Worlds Fair kind of vibe.

Sea Center (1 of 1)

Signs of Spring

blog3The temperatures were headed into the 80’s today so we headed over to Brooklyn for Chicken and Waffles on Washington St. and to check out the Cherry Blossoms at the Botanical Gardens. There’s a cool sprinkler outside of the museum that shoots out of the ground intermittently. The water dances in and out almost like a ballet. The kids were going crazy and although there are easily viewable signs that say “Do not Enter”. The kids never seemed to care. Come to think of it. Why should they? Due to a combination of too much food and too much sun (if there is such a thing) we never made it inside the Gardens. Somehow just sitting on the Museum steps and watching those kids have such a good time seemed like enough.