My Awful Beginnings (Yoga)

As I continue to inspect and ultimately delete age old images from my laptop. I struggle to let go of hundreds, if not thousands of files that no longer serve me and are not doing me any good saving. After coming across this folder of a subject who was deeply into yoga and other means of consciousness I myself, was yet to embrace. I came across this particular session and edited to my liking. Below is a three image slide show that might help me as I look to become a certified yoga instructor .


Dedicated to a Better Life, and Better Photos.

Tuesday, February 7th, marked the sixth week I’ve been attending physical therapy in Washington, DC. When first recommended by my primary doctor and the specialists at Rochester, Minnesota’s Mayo Clinic. I strongly disagreed, referring to my already unyielding dedication to working out, the gym, and nutrition. Despite my skepticism and experience with past sessions where they put you on a bike and walked away. Like a good patient. I agreed to at least look into it. With due diligence, I found a highly rated/recommended place in nearby Washington, DC. My “What can they possibly do for me.” mantra went out the door during my first session. My therapist (Feeke) has been by my side, adding new and rewarding challenges each week. All of which I’ve applied to my daily routine at my condo’s gym. Since being diagnosed in 2017, I’ve had my share of challenges. All of which I’ve taken on like the stubborn son of a bitch I’ve always been. Whether it be my dedication to my workouts, meditation, tai-chi, or eating habits. Despite any challenges or disabilities. I feel as if I’m in the best shape of my life. I took the picture below in DC at about 7:43 am. The image reminded me that, no matter what, if you want to achieve anything. You have to put in the work.