Afternoon Fog

When we arrived home yesterday, my wife cimmediatelty called me to the window. We’ve seen a fare share of fog and haze since we moved here, but somehow, it still grips us like a good horror or better yet, slasher film will. While I’m sure there will come a day when the site at my window or balcony won’t send me diving for the camera will come. I feel somewhat of a reward still feeling that rookie glow. Enjoy it while it lasts.


Due to the fires in neighboring California and Washington’s pollution, some new descriptions have appeared in the daily weather forecast.
Words such as “Smoke” and “Haze” have become part of the vocabulary. When I woke up this morning, to was is being referred to as “haze.” Eventually, my curiosity and urge to document what I was seeing. Grabbing my camera, I headed to the window to capture what I was seeing.Below are a couple of images I took from my window at around 9:30 am. The one on the left is taken of the east. The one on the right shows the west.