The Streets of Frederick, Maryland.

Whereas, more and more cities and towns of the U.S. are beginning to purposely look the same with each one being fitted with fimiliar franchises, box stores and corporations who seem to frown on individualism. As a photographer, I try to seek out the quickly vanishing personality of small cities and their still unique downtowns. There’s no fun in taking pictures of a Starbucks or McDonalds. They seem to take up space in every town, city or throughway, all look and serve the same purpose.

Room to Grow. Part II.

It arrived today. The chair of my dreams. The one I picked out myself. The one we had concerns would’nt fit through the door and have enough space to fit in the little corner nook we carved out. The one that slid right in the door without so much of a mark on the door before sliding comfortably into the corner we’d carved out for it. Now, with the exception of new records. The man cave I always imagined is done. All there is to do now, is sit back, listen, and ocassionaly, review records for my column.

Going Underground.

With about a half hour to kill before my haircut appointment, I took a trip down the escalator to check out the subway stop to fuel my newest obsession with photographing trains and the stations they frequent daily. I’ve lived in Virginia for over two years and have just started exploring its complex interiors. Having toured and ridden the subways of London, Paris, Tokyo, and others. I’ve come to appreciate the architecture and designs incorporated by many. Inspiring my respect and appreciation for what comes from the minds of true artists and respected methods that often convey the visions of gifted minds. It’s easy to take things of this nature for granted, as we are so focused on our daily travels and mindsets. Please think of the countless times I’ve focused on my phone screen or kept my head down to avoid unsolicited contact. There was a moment when I focused on the moment at hand, fixated on this colossal and timeless gift to creativity.

Tea Cups Light the Way

I was enjoying my Chi Tea and downtime at Rochester’s Minnesota’s Forager Brewery when I left my seat for a quick bathroom break and tour of the facilities. Most of what I found was a designers wet wet dream. Form the cool architecture, extra nooks and crannies and magazine inspiring design, I was inspired to fire off a few shots from my camera. As I’ve grown to love shadows and contrast, I find myself leaving my flash in the bag, if taking it along at all. As I made my way back to my seat, I noticed these tea cups / lights hanging from the ceiling looking quite artful. As my days as a studio photographer seem to have come to a close, I’ve found solace knowing I’m still inspired to capture and document my surroundings.
