My Awful Beginnings (Yoga)

As I continue to inspect and ultimately delete age old images from my laptop. I struggle to let go of hundreds, if not thousands of files that no longer serve me and are not doing me any good saving. After coming across this folder of a subject who was deeply into yoga and other means of consciousness I myself, was yet to embrace. I came across this particular session and edited to my liking. Below is a three image slide show that might help me as I look to become a certified yoga instructor .


With a Little Help from my Friend.

Last week I shared several pictures taken while exploring a Baltimore beach. My wife took a liking to the picture on the left. Adding “I really like this one, but I think it would look better without the automobile.” With little to no experience in many Lightroom techniques. I handed it over to a good friend who can best be disguised as a “pro’s pro.” Personally, I’d consider my long time friend to be a magician of sorts. As he has blown my mind with his skills many times before. I posted a before and after just below. I’d love to get your feedback. Feel free to comment below. Thanks.

If I Only Knew Then, What I Know Now.

As I review and often delete old files from my desktop and external hard drives. I can’t help but lament over mistakes I made when I started out. Whether it be bad lighting, busy backgrounds or blemishes. I often wish I had known more. Whereas in the past. I didn’t spend much time in post production and my studio lighting was often flat. Through listening to better photographers and putting their teachings to practise. My skills improved and I gained confidence. These days, my enjoyment of post production has grown to where I’m beginning to notice that shooting and editing play on an evener keel. Still, I often find myself wishing I could get another chance to capture the beauty and soul of many of the people I met along the way.

Out and About

Earlier this weekend, we took a short drive to a fairly local Virginia market where we enjoyed the food, cool weather, and even got to talking to some of the locals. I took this image while waiting in an alley while my wife visited a nearby bakery. With the mid day sky at it’s brightest, I made sure to lower my iso and kick up my aperture. When I got home I played around with the contrast, amongst other tools, to get what I wanted. Below are the results.

Consistency Counts

When I posted a shot of Friday’s session on Facebook over the weekend. It definitely turned a few heads. The attention was both positive and appreciated. It wasn’t until this morning that I was questioned about my decision to edit it. While I liked the original. I thought a ounce of editing would do it some good. Then came the critique about consistency and how, if something ain’t broke. Don’t go trying to fix it. It seemed harsh at the time, but when explained, it made a lot of sense. I had the perfect light and settings from start to finish. There was no explainable reason for the change, other than change. To close, I’m learning a lot and it’s not always easy getting over old habits. Learning that a critique is aimed to both help and improve one’s work. How, listening is often better than talking. Below Left is the original file. On the right, my retouch.