Ongoing Project

After picking up a couple of enlargements (My first in over a year.) at Arlington’s District Camera. I decided to begin working on a project that focuses on transit. (With most, if not all of the images taking pace on train platforms and stations. With my entire life taking place just blocks from the local and express trains. There is a pulse, a certain eb and flow that inspires me and has taught me that we are all in perpetual movement. Even as we sit still. The world around us never stops. The images I’ve printed (Both posted here recently.) will serve as the basis of this project. With ones from the past and near future travels will complete it. While I’m not yet sure if I will shop a gallery, art space or digital platform. Regardless, it feels good to have new ideas and inspirations. This morning I went downstairs to our storage space to dig for an old hard drive with older pictures from my life in New York City, New Jersey, and Seattle, Washington. There are few images worth finding and printing.

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