Making Room and Letting Go.

Over the last few weeks and most of last night. I’ve been deleting images and music files from the last twenty years or so. As a photographer whose studio sessions often lasted forty minutes to an hour and a admitted music nerd and senior editor at an online indie rock blog. My itunes contains over 6,500 albums. More than I can ever get around to listening to and more than my laptop can ever hold. So, with my computer sending me constant messages, my wife standing over me waving her finger and me wondering what I’m hangin on to. I’ve begun the task of deleting old files and making room for new ones. It’s a lot harder than originally imagined, but it must be done. I took the pictures below, many years ago when I was living in Hoboken, NJ and a member of downtown New York’s S.O.H.O. Photo Gallery. Though I don’t recall the model’s name. She was an absolute joy to be around. In the future, don’t be like me. Overpopulating your hard drive or the boxes in your closet with images you don’t love. When reviewing. Be vicious.